Monday, August 3, 2009

Multiple Birth Programs

Most of you know that I'm always out to find a good deal or to find some good coupons. I love bargain hunting. When I was still pregnant with the babes, I did some research online on "multiple birth discounts." I came across a few sites that had companies listed that participated in and gave multiple birth discounts. I wrote them all down and saved them for a rainy day... or a day when I would have *free* time.

About a week ago I decided to sit down and call some of the companies listed on my sheet... Proctor and Gamble, the makers of Tylenol and Motrin, Beechnut, Enfamil, Similac, among many others. I gave them my information and waited to see what they would send me. Yesterday it was like Christmas at our house... ok, maybe not like Christmas but it was still exciting. I got 3 super thick envelopes filled with coupons for money off and coupons for free products. I have coupons for free bottles of adult and baby tylenol and motrin, coupons for a free bottle of mylicon drops (a $11 value), and coupons for free band-aids, among other things. I also got a ton of of money saving coupons as well as a free samples of baby cereal and 2 free feeding spoons. I am excited to see what else will be coming our way.

As well as calling different companies, I also sent out some letters. Some places required copies of the babies birth announcements from the hospital in order for me to quality for the multiple birth program. We'll see what arrives from those companies. From what the descriptions said on the website that I checked, some of them send free baby products like rattles and teethers and some even send coupons for free boxes of diapers and free cans of formula.

It pays to check into things like this. I know that most of these companies send out coupons for moms who have singleton babes as well. You just have to call and inquire. It's definitely worth the time and effort if you're into coupon-ing.