Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mady and her first Molars???

So, today was absolutely crazy. Now I know that babies have phases where they start acting completely opposite of how they usually are... maybe not sleeping well, getting up earlier, skipping naps, learning something new, etc. I have been through many phases but I always need encouragement that we'll get through it. Mady normally works like clockwork so I tend to get stressed out when she changes something about her routine. Anyway, today was a day of fussiness, no sleeping and lots of crying - all which are very abnormal for little Mady. I knew right away that something was wrong. She wouldn't lay down for a nap for more than 45 minutes and she would wake up crying really hard. She has also been pulling on and poking at her ears. Finally I decided to take her to Convenient Care tonight hoping that I could get some relief for her and I both! The nurse practitioner said "nope, her ears look fine." Great. Now what?! I drove her around for a while to help her relax and rest. We came home and took some tylenol. I got online tonight and started looking into the teething process to see which of her teeth would be coming next. At her 1 year appt this week, the dr said that he could tell she was starting to get her molars but that it might be a little while before they poke through. Sure enough those google experts said that pulling on ears, fussiness, lack of sleep were all signs of teething and that the first set of molars usually come in between 10-14 months. Yep, I think that's what we're dealing with. She's never really had this much trouble with teething so I didn't even think about it until this evening. She's also gotten all of her teeth really early so maybe she's on track to get her molars early too. It'll be fun in the Bettinger house for a few days it looks! Poor Baby Mady!


Brock said...

Poor Mady!! Molars are so helpful when they arrive (all kinds of new foods to try!) but what a painful process. I have heard lots of old ladies at the hospital talk about rubbing their babies' gums with whiskey or rum, but I'm pretty sure DCFS doesn't go for that . . .! Hang in there! :)- Liz

Jigga Momma said...

It is really just re-payment for all the nights you kept me up and all the sleep WE both lost!!! What goes 'round, comes 'round. I love you!!!
Jigga Momma