Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mommy, Daddy, Dinosaurs and Wonder Pets!

Last night we went out to dinner with our good friends, Paul and Nicole. When we got back to their house, Madalyn was still awake - the sitters hadn't put her to bed yet. So, being completely stuffed from eating too much I plopped down on the couch and laid there for a good 20 minutes instead of immediately putting Mady in bed. She decided it would be fun to act like she was tucking me in bed. She would cover my feet and legs with her blanket, give me her favorite bunny named Ma, hold the sides of my face with her sweet hands and gently kiss my forehead, and then tell me "Goodnight, Mom." I would pretend like I was sleeping and then I would wake up and we would start all over again. We did this numerous times before she said "Mommy, we need to pray." I told her that she could pray for Mommy since she was putting me down to sleep. She said "Thank you Jesus for this food." (a lot of times she prays for us when we eat). I had to give her a quick lesson that she can pray about anything she wants and then she said she wanted to pray for Mommy and Daddy. Here's what came out of her mouth next... "Thank You Jesus for Mommy, Daddy, Dinosaurs, and Wonder Pets. Amen." It was so adorable. She had been playing with Dinosaurs at Paul and Nicole's house while we went out so I'm sure that's why she prayed for them. I have no idea why she prayed for the Wonder Pets. Wonder Pets is a tv show and since I rarely allow her to watch tv I have no idea why she prayed for them. The only place I think she has seen Wonder Pets may have been at the gym. Who knows why she prayed for them... but it was so sweet! (I also loved getting all of those sweet kisses on my forehead!)

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