Tuesday, April 28, 2009

28 Weeks - 2nd Milestone

I've officially made it to 28 weeks today! I have hit my 2nd major milestone in a twin pregnancy. Let me explain: There are 3 major milestones to hit in a twin pregnancy, as my doctor says. The first is the 24 week mark. Babies born this early will likely spend at least three months in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and a third of them will survive with no long-term problems. The 2nd milestone is 28 weeks, when viability skyrockets. Ninety percent of babies who make it to this stage of gestation survive. Long-term complications are still a possibility, however. The last major milestone that doctors like to see mothers of multiples hit is the 34 week mark. Babies born now generally have an excellent chance of survival, without any major long-term complications, though they might not have full lung maturity (which generally occurs between 33 and 37 weeks) and will need to spend time in the NICU.

This morning I had my 28 week appointment. I had my sonogram first and all was going well until the very end when the sizes of the twins were compared against each other. Baby A, our boy, is measuring smaller than average while Baby A, our girl, is measuring a little bigger than average. One is in the 57th percentile and one is in the 32nd precentile. These are things to necessarily worry about until they compare one twin to another. Doctors want to make sure that they difference between the two isn't too large - in other words, one twin would be taking more nutrients than the other one. The sono tech gave us all the numbers and then said "I need to go run this by some others.. I'll be right back." He eventually came back and said that they needed to run more tests - do a doppler test. I was crying at this point. All I could think about was bedrest and the fact that one of my babies was too small. We were then sent off to see the Dr.

Dr. S. said he wasn't that worried about the size difference in the twins but that he wanted to keep an eye one me. I'm going back in a little over a week to have a perinatologist do a sono for me and evaluate what he sees. So, we'll see. This appointment is the week after we move in.

Other news from the appt - Dr. S. told me this morning that he's excited that we hit 28 weeks and now we're shooting for 34 weeks. Once I hit 34 weeks, anything can happen... WOW! to think that 34 weeks is only SIX weeks away!!! Am I ready? I guess I better be!!! Both babies are now head down. Girly-girl has now decided to join her brother in the head down position which is super exciting. I had a feeling one had switched places because things just felt different. Now, if they stay this way, I'm on track for trying to have them naturally! Fun! My blood pressure and urine culture looked good (i know, too much information) and my weight is even good. I have gained less so far than I did with Mady so we'll see how these last few weeks shape up. As for growth, I'm also doing well. At my current point, 28 weeks, I'm measuring 32 weeks for someone with one baby... if that makes sense. So, I'm technically only measuring 4 weeks ahead of schedule. I'm sure that will change though towards the end of the pregnancy as the babies are getting bigger. Dr. S. said I was doing well. He told me again to make sure that I rest lots - laying on my left side - especially on the weekends. I've been making sure that I do get lots of rest during the day. He said everything else looks good! Yay!


Ramona said...

i'm glad that things are going well! :) did you pass your gestational diabetes test? dr. s. told me to think positive b/c i have to take mine at the next appointment. if i get it again, it'll be 2 more weeks than last time of controlled diet. bleh. :P

Jenn said...

Ramona - Yep, I took my GD test a couple of weeks back and passed! I even called in because I hadn't heard from the nurse yet. I never thought I would have passed!! We'll see if they make me do another 1 hour any time soon though...! Good luck on yours!

Liz said...

Jenn, we had several sonos where there was concern about one girl being "much" bigger than the other. I was referred to Dr. Kehl, had numerous dopplers, etc etc. All that to say, at birth they had the EXACT same weight :) Get all the rest you need to and take it easy, but try not to worry too much. You're in good hands!

Anonymous said...

Blatant plagiarizing. You should use a source with quotes when you use someone else's words.