Sunday, January 30, 2011

An answer to prayer

The month of January has been a significant month for Mark and I. Our church has set aside the month of January for a special time of fasting. Mark and I started our fast the first of January and ironically enough started seeing immediate attack from the enemy. It's been a crazy month of health issues for our family. As some of you know, Mark was diagnosed with mono at the beginning of the month (and that's on top of the other health issues that he already has). He was extremely fatigued and just downright feeling crummy. He would go to bed at 5:30pm some evenings and sleep until 7am (he's usually an early riser). The doc even put him on bedrest for a week.

We continued to stay strong in the Lord and draw our strength from Him. His power is made perfect in our weakness, isn't it?! Every Wednesday throughout the month of January, we had a corporate prayer meeting at church. I have to admit that when I hear the words "prayer meeting" I never used to get really excited. This month was totally different! I attended the first 2 by myself as Mark was at home in bed. The Wednesday that he was on bedrest I headed over to the church excited to see what the Lord had in store. It was an awesome night of prayer for me and a night of getting deeper with Him. At the end of the night, one of our pastors called me forward to stand in the gap for Mark. They annointed me with oil, laid hands on me, and a group of our fellow believers prayed earnestly for Mark's healing.

Fast forward a little bit... I get home and send Mark and email to tell him about the incredible time of worship that I had (yep, I emailed him... because he was on bedrest he was in our room all day long and most times sleeping. I didn't want to bother him but I knew he was doing a little bit of work on his computer so I thought I would send him a message). The next morning he told me that he felt like he had been healed of mono! Praise Him! He said that about 8pm the previous night (while I was at prayer meeting), he almost texted me that he had had a sort of "awakening" where he felt he had been healed. 8pm was right after the church had prayed for him! His energy level went up the following days and he was able to go through his day without naps. All the glory to Him.

I was definitely sad that I had to go to church those first two Wednesdays on my own but I know that the Lord had it all planned out. I needed that time by myself to really devote myself to prayer and to focus on my relationship with Him. I've done so much growing these past 4 weeks that it's incredible. I am so thankful for my Savior and for what He's done for me. I have a new thirst for His Word like never before and a new devotion to Him. Thank You Jesus!

Another answer to prayer happened this past Wednesday at prayer meeting. We were praying for those that we wanted to go out to that aren't saved. Mark prayed for one set of our neighbors and I prayed for our next door neighbors, J & A. I prayed that the Lord would give us opportunities to share Christ's love with them - however that might happen. Mark had just talked the night before on love at Fusion and I was reminded about sharing His love with those around us. Anyway, I prayed that in some way I might be able to connect with them. That night when I got home, I had an email from a girl named "A" in my inbox who was responding to the craigslist add that I had for a Cardinal fitness gift card. We texted back and forth and the next day her husband said that he was going to come and get it. He asked for my address and the response that came back cracked me up. He said, "well, we live at 803 ... and so we won't have that far to drive." It was our next door neighbors whom I had prayed for the night before!!!! I blessed them by giving them the gift card.

I am praying for more opportunities to go out to them and build relationship with them. I think inviting them over for dinner is next on my agenda :)

I love how He answers us when we call. He hears our prayers and answers them according to His will.

Thank you Lord for healing and for answering prayers in my family lately. Thank You for divine appointments to share your love.

PS. This is Mark. On another note, God has blessed me this month at work as well. I found out that my quarterly sales numbers were outstanding and I'm getting this biggest quarterly bonus I've ever received this month. We've also been praying earnestly for our college ministry, Fusion, and we had the biggest turnout ever this past Tuesday. We've also been praying that the Lord leads us on our missions trip this summer to Ghana, Africa. The Lord has blessed us, as we've received almost the total amount due for the trip. We are looking forward to being able to share our faith story of His provision. We are also praying about our involvement with Youth For Christ International in Ghana. The Lord is leading us there too. All to His glory. He is God and I am not.


Liz said...

So cool to read of your testimony! Thanks for sharing. Mark, we are so thankful you are on the mend!!

Katie T. said...

Wow! The Lord is so faithful and gracious. Exciting to hear how He's working in your lives!