Saturday, November 8, 2008

Eggies! Eggies!

(This might be one of those stories that Jenn and I laugh about for a long on the other hand may not find it that extraordinary, as it might have been one of those "you had to be there" events.)

This morning, I decided to cook scrambled eggs/ham/cheese. It's a favorite of the family and I cook it every couple of weeks.

Evidently, Madalyn likes them...a lot. It probably didn't help that today was probably one of the first times ever that she didn't get a cup of milk when she woke up, so she was probably hungry. I scooped healthy portions for everyone and we dug in. Jenn and I finished our eggs w/ toast and we were waiting for Mady to finish. She was about 2/3 of the way done, and slowing down and Jenn mentioned she was still a little hungry. I reached over, grabbed Mady's plate and started to put half of her eggs on Jenn's plate.

Right when I picked up her plate, Mady's eyes got HUGE and she started yelling "Eggies! Eggies!" I put a few eggs on Jenn's plate, which Mady did not appreciate. I gave her back her plate and she went right back to eating...completely cleaning her plate. Ok Dad, lesson learned. Don't take breakfast from a baby.

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