Monday, May 4, 2009

Big Girl Bed

We've been wanting to transfer Madalyn over to her "Big Girl Bed" for a while now, but with packing and moving it just hasn't worked out. My cousin graciously gave us the twin bed that her son used when he was little (since he has since moved to a bunk bed), and we've been storing it at her house until the last possible minute. We just didn't want to move it twice before we got into our new house.

Anyway, we have the bed now and it's in storage here. Saturday night we were on a packing spree and decided to take down Madalyn's crib. We simply put her mattress on the floor and called it her "Big Girl Bed." She went bananas. The minute we got the crib out of her room and put her blankets and such on her new bed, she started asking "Will you tuck me in, Mommy? I want to go to bed." We definitely were not putting her to bed at 4:30 in the afternoon! ha! She asked the rest of the evening if it was time to go to bed yet. Finally at 6:30 we gave her a bath and the go-ahead to get into her Big Girl Bed. It was so cute. She was so excited. We did explain to her that there were 2 rules that she needed to obey; (1) she was not to get up in the middle of the night - she had to stay in bed (I didn't want her running around playing) and (2) in the morning, when she woke up, she was to ask if she could get out of bed. Mark and I went back and forth on this one and decided this would be best right now. I wasn't too hip on her walking around at crazy hours in the morning.

The first night in her bed went better than we had expected. She rolled off the mattress once at 12:30am to which she was yelling from her room, "Mommy, will you tuck me in again, please?" Other than that she was in her bed the whole evening. Sunday morning Mark heard her asking if she could get up at 6:30. We have a rule in our house that we don't get her out of her bed until 7am so Mark told her that it wasn't time to get up. At 7 she asked, from her bed, "Mommy, may I get up please?" I went in and she was still laying in her bed. Yay! It was a good night.

Sunday afternoon was the second test as it was her first nap in her bed. We again went over the rules and she did exactly what we asked! I'm so proud of her!

If she is this excited about a mattress on the floor, she is going to be super excited when we put up her real bed and get her new bedding and such. I can't wait!!! On the other hand, it was sad to take down the crib - my little girl is growing up!!!


Musicmaker said...

I'm so glad that your first little girl is so cooperative and I'm glad that even though she's graduated, there are 2 more babies coming to satisfy the Mommy in you!

Ashley Nichole said...

I was so excited when we read this!!! The hardest transistion we have had with both boys was moving to the big kid bed. I am so glad it went so smoothly for you! So how did she react when you put the whole bed together?