Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Don't ya just love strangers!

On Monday, we headed out to Hobby Lobby as a family to pick up some things for some projects around the house. Mark was off of work due to the holiday so we were enjoying some time together. We had both of the babies in their carseats and tucked into the stroller. Samuel was sound asleep so we had a blanket over his carseat. Hannah was wide awake and enjoying everything around her, which is pretty typical for her - never wants to miss a thing. She was jabbering and smiling at everything and everyone who stopped to talk to her.

A couple, maybe in their early 60's, came up to us and the wife started talking to Hannah. She made a comment something like, "Aww, look at her smiling at me. She's adorable." Then the husband walked over and said, "Yeah, it's only because she has no idea of how crappy her life will be in this world."

Are you serious? I stood, probably with my mouth wide open, in shock as they walked away. I turned to Mark and made a comment about how apparently our daughter is going to have a crappy life. C'mon! I'm sure he was meaning that the world is so negative and such but I can't be certain. It makes you wonder... I was a little annoyed but then my annoyance turned to sadness for him. It didn't sound like he had any Hope at all.

**On another note, back when we had all of the snow, maybe in late December, we were visiting some store. We had the babies completely bundled up (sometimes to the point they were sweating when we took them out) and Mady was all warm and cozy as well. We were walking from our car to the store when a lady passed us and said, "you should have those kids out in this weather. It's way to cold for babies to be outside." Apparently she thought it necessary to be the parent for a little bit. I'm just so surprised that people would say things like this to complete strangers. Maybe she could say that if my kids were in shorts in the middle of winter but honestly... gotta love strangers!

1 comment:

Musicmaker said...

Some of my most negative emotional experiences are from comments (more like verbal attacks) from strangers. Makes me want to avoid strangers - but we know better, don't we?!