I guess it's time that I put some thoughts on here. I feel like I need to, so that when Monday morning starts again, I'll remember my priorities.
Sitting here on a Saturday morning drinking a cup of coffee and listening to...silence. What an extraordinary sound. It's really quite settling. Jenn's mom came up this morning and so she, Jenn and Madalyn all went out shopping. Garagesales, that is. The twins were great this morning and about 45 minutes ago, I put them to bed.
I see people bustling around outside on golf carts, and some are mowing their lawns and some are going for a morning run. Not me. I'm sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of joe and periodically staring out my back yard. My phone is ringing, I'm getting text messages, but I'm not answering. Not right now. I'm listening to quiet.
Jenn started a load of laundry before she left and the washing machine keeps beeping. I started it again, and it just sits there and beeps. I think it's broken. So, I turned it off. Not right now. I'm listening to quiet. I could pull out my tool belt and search on the internet for a new electronic motherboard and order it, but not right now. I'm listening to quiet.
The babies apparently have decided to play in their beds. I guess I could go get them, bring them downstairs and play with them some more like I did this morning. Not right now. I'm listening to quiet.
Last fall, when I went through a really turbulent time, I learned a secret to life. I learned that you really can max yourself out. I learned that you really can press yourself to the breaking point...and I broke. Life just became too overwhelming. With the pressures of a new promotion at work, a new supervisor that we were coming to terms with, 2 new babies and a vivacious 2 year old and some other pressures that were stacking up, I hit rock bottom. Emotionally, physically and in a lot of ways spiritually, I was spent. I even started having this really strong pressure in the center of my chest that would last for a day or two during these times. Well, that pressure in the center of my chest is back this morning, so I needed to defuse a little. I'm having a little time to myself, listening to quiet, and ultimately, listening to my precious Savior.
The texts, the emails the phone calls start to cloud my vision. The pressures at home to be available, not only in a physical sense, but in an emotional and spiritual sense, are very difficult when you sometimes work 60+ hours a week. But that's not for now, I'm listening to quiet.
And so, you sometimes need mornings like this, when I put the phone down, I turn off the broken, beeping washing machine, when I let the twins play in their cribs, and listen to quiet. To have a greater sense of spiritual acuity. To not get worried about outstanding contracts at work, or organizing a missions trip coming up in August, or changing dirty diapers. To not get charged up about painting our entryway, hallway, dining room and stairwell next weekend because the delivery guys scratched our stairwell moving in our new bed last week. To just stop, drink my coffee, and allow the grass to grow one more day without running out to cut it, in hopes of keeping up with the Jones' (who really do live next door, Amy Jones just ran by walking their dog).
Thank you Lord for a few hours of refuge. Thank you for revitalization. Thank you for quiet. Thank you for the dishes in the sink and the dirty laundry. Thank you for the blocks that Mady assembled as a house for her play puppies on the living room coffee table. Thank you for Sam's smile and Hannah's hugs and Mady's joy. Thank you for my wife that literally makes my world go around. Thank you Lord for my family, the greatest gift you could entrust to me.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
An update on my Sweet boy, Samuel...
Over the past few months, we've noticed that the continuous cough that Sam had was not going away. We figured that by the time he hit a year old it would be getting better. He coughs after he eats and then a few times while he's awake and playing. We've just never heard a baby cough as much as he does. Mark was a little concerned as he has CF and coughing is a big side effect of it.
Last Wednesday (6/16/10), Mark called the nurse to tell her our concerns. She said that before Dr. H referred us somewhere that he wanted us to bring Sam in so he could take a look at him. This was at 3:20 and they had his appt set up for 3:50. I woke him up, fed him quickly and headed to the appt. He was so happy and flirting with one of the girls there, Melissa, who always calls him "handsome." Unfortunately they all know us so well from being in with all of the kids over the years.
I expressed my concerns with Dr. H and he examined Sam. I'll list out a few of the big things that I remember, mostly for me to remember :)
*During the exam, Dr. H said that Sam had a left ear infection and some sinus issues, especially with draining (visible by a very runny nose). He said that the drainage could be causing the cough. He said that if Sam just had the ear infection by itself that he probably wouldn't give him meds but because of the sinus issues as well, he wanted to put him on some antibiotics for 10 days. He wanted to see us back in a week to check and see how the medicine was doing and to see if it was helping the cough.
*Dr. H said that because I'm not a carrier of CF (i was tested even before we got married), that the chance of Sam having CF was almost impossible. That was a relief even though we knew that deep down. It just hits so close to home that we were a little apprehensive.
*Dr. H said that he was going to do a chest x-ray today but that he wanted to wait because of the ear infection. If the meds didn't help over the next week, then he would do a chest x-ray to see if that was indicative to anything.
*He also said that he would possibly check him for reflux. He said that one of the side effects that goes along with reflux is sinus problems and draining. That in turn ususally causes coughing and then spitting up, among other stuff. Interesting! I've wanted to have him tested for reflux ever since he was tiny because of his puking but they always said that he would just grow out of it. We'll see what happens, I suppose...
*His weight was 15lbs 5.5oz!
6/21/10 - Yesterday, we headed back to Dr. H for Sam's followup appt. Again, Sam got to flirt with Melissa on the way back :) Little Mr. Handsome! Here's a rundown of the appt...
*Sam has fluid on both ears. Dr. H wants to continue the antibiotics for another 10 days to see if that clears it up. He didn't say much about his sinuses although his nose is no longer running profusely and his cough has cleared a bit... although still present.
*Sam's weight was 15lbs 13oz (up 8 oz in 5 days! go bubby!)
*Dr. H wanted a chest x-ray done today (they asked me during the x-ray if there was any chance that I could be pregnant!! Ha... All I had to do was say, "um... he's a twin!" That answered any questions. This happened back when he was only about 3 months old as well. I said the same thing and got the same response... Nope, not pregnant!!!!") If the chest x-ray comes back abnormal then he'll want to do a sweat chloride test (a main test for Cystic Fibrosis). If it's normal, then he says a SCT isn't necessary at all.
*He put Sam on a relux medicine for 10 days. He also put in a standing referral on Sam's chart for a referral to a GI doc. After 10 days, I'm supposed to call in and let him know how the medicine is working and how it's affecting his cough. If nothing has changed then we are going to be referred to a GI doc who most likely will put a probe down Bubby's throat to see if they can figure out the cause for the cough. Dr. H said he's not so much worried about the spitting up that he's doing because he only does that when he's coughing. He's more worried about the cause of the cough.
*We're also supposed to go back in 4 weeks to check up on his ears and the fluid that's there... Hopefully it'll be gone!
(side note: I heard one of the receptionists saying that this year has been the worst for ear infections in kids. She said that everyone is coming in right now for ear infections. Sam has had one and Hannah has had one... I had no idea Sam had his... Hannah was a little crankly and pulling on her ear. Madalyn never had issues with them. Interesting!)
Yesterday afternoon, Katie (whom I also know and probably gets really sick of hearing from the Bettinger's! ha) called and said that Sammy's Chest x-ray was normal! Praise God!
Now we'll just wait and see how this new reflux medicine works. As of last night, he's cough has gone down considerably and he hasn't even spit up (even though he wasn't do it very much anyway... only because of the cough). We're putting our trust in God and praying for complete healing! I'll post updates as I get them!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sent by God
Last night was an extremely scary night for us! We picked the babies up out of bed and took them straight out to the van and put them in their car seats. We loaded up Mady and pulled out of the driveway. We got almost to the end of our street when we heard Sam starting to cough, what sounded like choke, and then vomit a very large amount. He did this a few times and then I flew into the back to see what was going on. I noticed that he was doing all of the above plus it was almost like he would stop breathing for a second after he coughed. I swept his mouth and felt something but couldn't tell what. Mark pulled over on the side of the road and I handed Sam out of the van...
Now, I'm almost in tears, Mady is crying and Hannah was starting to get fussy. Mark is on the side of the road (at the other entrance to our subdivision) patting him on the back and sweeping his mouth out. Sam is still continuing to choke, spit, cough and having trouble breathing. He's even coughing up a little bit of blood at this point. I looked up for a second and out of nowhere a there was a lady getting out of her truck (she was a state trooper) and a man with blue lights in his truck (he was a paramedic) getting out to assist us. They were off duty but stopped to help us. I know they were sent from God and were definitely angels sent to help us. I mean, they appeared out of nowhere! After a bit, Sam had calmed down and wasn't coughing or choking anymore. She told us that we needed to get him in to get checked out in case whatever was causing the issues had gotten caught somewhere else and later might get dislodged. We thanked them for stopping and then they were gone... almost as quick as they had arrived. It was definitely a God thing.
We put Sam back in his seat and started to head for the ER when he started having issues again. I took him out of his seat and sat in the back with him while Mark raced to the ER running through stop lights and stop signs. By the time we got to the ER, Sammy was acting normal but we wanted to get him checked out anyway.
I dropped Mark and Sam off at the door and went to park the van and get the girls out. When I walked in the ER, they were in the triage room with about 6 nurses. I started to get a little nervous but everything seemed ok. Our friend, Lindy, was working and was actually our nurse so that was nice.
They did an xray but didn't see anything on the xray. The doc said that if it was something small like a piece of cardboard or a bandaid that it wouldn't show up on the xray though so who knows. Mark said he felt something in his throat that resembled a band-aid. I thought I felt something a little more rough. There was a cut in the back of his throat when they examined him either due to something scratching him or us scratching his throat when we were doing the finger sweep?! We were just thankful that his lungs were clear and that there wasn't anything stuck in his esophagus or stomach. Praise God! A lady from peds came down and brought toys and crayons as we had all 3 kiddos in that tiny little ER room (fun!). We were released fairly quick and brought the kids home and put them to bed! What a night!!! Thank you Jesus that my little man is okay!
On a positive note, Sammy was weighed at the ER. His weight was 16lbs 4oz. He was weighed 3 weeks ago at his 1 year appt and was 14lbs 10oz. His weight has been a concern to us and so we've been praying for him. Praise! He's gained over a pound in 3 weeks!!!! Granted he had a diaper on and his wet shirt on last night but I'm still thankful that he's gaining so much weight! Hopefully by his 15 month appt he'll be close to 18lbs at this rate!!!! Go Buddy Go!!!!
What a blessing this little messy eater is! I love you so much, Samuel, and we're so thankful that you're okay!
Now, I'm almost in tears, Mady is crying and Hannah was starting to get fussy. Mark is on the side of the road (at the other entrance to our subdivision) patting him on the back and sweeping his mouth out. Sam is still continuing to choke, spit, cough and having trouble breathing. He's even coughing up a little bit of blood at this point. I looked up for a second and out of nowhere a there was a lady getting out of her truck (she was a state trooper) and a man with blue lights in his truck (he was a paramedic) getting out to assist us. They were off duty but stopped to help us. I know they were sent from God and were definitely angels sent to help us. I mean, they appeared out of nowhere! After a bit, Sam had calmed down and wasn't coughing or choking anymore. She told us that we needed to get him in to get checked out in case whatever was causing the issues had gotten caught somewhere else and later might get dislodged. We thanked them for stopping and then they were gone... almost as quick as they had arrived. It was definitely a God thing.
We put Sam back in his seat and started to head for the ER when he started having issues again. I took him out of his seat and sat in the back with him while Mark raced to the ER running through stop lights and stop signs. By the time we got to the ER, Sammy was acting normal but we wanted to get him checked out anyway.
I dropped Mark and Sam off at the door and went to park the van and get the girls out. When I walked in the ER, they were in the triage room with about 6 nurses. I started to get a little nervous but everything seemed ok. Our friend, Lindy, was working and was actually our nurse so that was nice.
They did an xray but didn't see anything on the xray. The doc said that if it was something small like a piece of cardboard or a bandaid that it wouldn't show up on the xray though so who knows. Mark said he felt something in his throat that resembled a band-aid. I thought I felt something a little more rough. There was a cut in the back of his throat when they examined him either due to something scratching him or us scratching his throat when we were doing the finger sweep?! We were just thankful that his lungs were clear and that there wasn't anything stuck in his esophagus or stomach. Praise God! A lady from peds came down and brought toys and crayons as we had all 3 kiddos in that tiny little ER room (fun!). We were released fairly quick and brought the kids home and put them to bed! What a night!!! Thank you Jesus that my little man is okay!
On a positive note, Sammy was weighed at the ER. His weight was 16lbs 4oz. He was weighed 3 weeks ago at his 1 year appt and was 14lbs 10oz. His weight has been a concern to us and so we've been praying for him. Praise! He's gained over a pound in 3 weeks!!!! Granted he had a diaper on and his wet shirt on last night but I'm still thankful that he's gaining so much weight! Hopefully by his 15 month appt he'll be close to 18lbs at this rate!!!! Go Buddy Go!!!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Welcome back, Bettinger Family
I haven't blogged in ages! A lot has happened since the last time I posted... one of my favorite things being the twins' FIRST birthday party! I can't believe we made it to a year!!! We celebrated with family and of course lots of birthday cake! The babes LOVED their cake and ate almost the entire thing!! Even Mady had a mini-cake her with name on it! Thanks to my mom for making the cakes.
The babes are doing well. At their 1 year appt, their weights came in at 15lbs and 17lbs... Hannah being the bigger of the two. Doc decided to keep them on formula another 3 months and see how their weights go over the next couple of months. Hannah is on the growth charts but my little man isn't quite yet... It's okay though! I know he'll make it soon! Doc gave us the go ahead to feed them whatever I want to feed them so currently their favorite thing is Peanut Butter sandwich (easy, good, and a good source of protein for weight gain). Doc did draw blood from both of them to make sure there weren't any other underlying issues with thyroid, for example, among other things that would be making them small. He's not super concerned but the next appt we have at 15months will tell alot! Please pray for my little man especially... that he's able to put on some pounds in the next couple of months! Otherwise, they are happy and healthy... an ornery! Just today I found Hannah sitting on the door to the dishwasher. Guess I won't be leaving that down anymore! Sam can climb stairs so we have to be careful about those! Oh the joys that I wouldn't trade in for anything!!!
After their birthdays came what felt like a month of sickness. Both babes had croupe. Mady had the flu. Mark was sick with something and I had a positive strep test followed by a week of a horrible cold or something to that effect. I finally think everyone is starting to feel better! Thank you Jesus!
I'm hoping to get back in the rhythm of blogging. Life has just been crazy. I'll leave you with a few photos though...
It is extremely hard to get 3 kiddos to look at the camera... not to mention getting Dad to do the same!
Before the mess...
About half way through - Sam needed a little break :)
Mady learning to use her new skates
Mommy and her cute munchkins on Mother's Day! I love dressing the girls alike! I'm so blessed!
The babes are doing well. At their 1 year appt, their weights came in at 15lbs and 17lbs... Hannah being the bigger of the two. Doc decided to keep them on formula another 3 months and see how their weights go over the next couple of months. Hannah is on the growth charts but my little man isn't quite yet... It's okay though! I know he'll make it soon! Doc gave us the go ahead to feed them whatever I want to feed them so currently their favorite thing is Peanut Butter sandwich (easy, good, and a good source of protein for weight gain). Doc did draw blood from both of them to make sure there weren't any other underlying issues with thyroid, for example, among other things that would be making them small. He's not super concerned but the next appt we have at 15months will tell alot! Please pray for my little man especially... that he's able to put on some pounds in the next couple of months! Otherwise, they are happy and healthy... an ornery! Just today I found Hannah sitting on the door to the dishwasher. Guess I won't be leaving that down anymore! Sam can climb stairs so we have to be careful about those! Oh the joys that I wouldn't trade in for anything!!!
After their birthdays came what felt like a month of sickness. Both babes had croupe. Mady had the flu. Mark was sick with something and I had a positive strep test followed by a week of a horrible cold or something to that effect. I finally think everyone is starting to feel better! Thank you Jesus!
I'm hoping to get back in the rhythm of blogging. Life has just been crazy. I'll leave you with a few photos though...
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