Friday, May 18, 2012

Hurry up and ... Wait....

We've been in this adoption process only a few short months (4 to be exact - from time of moving forward with agency applications to now) and I've learned so much.  I always heard that there's lots of "hurry up and wait" times but I always thought "ack, no worries."

Now we are doing some serious waiting and although I'm not at that point where I'm going crazy, I can see how this process is taxing.

Here's what's going on with us:

Our agency reviewed our homestudy a couple of weeks ago (I need to update our "steps of the journey" page on the blog) and thought it looked fine.  There were a few minor typos that were fixed and we were given the green light.  We are officially waiting for our referral and oh how exciting that is.

However, our homestudy was also sent somewhere else and they have required more information on Mark's health.  We had his doctor write a letter and I answered a few questions and the homestudy was to be fixed.  Hopefully it's being sent back to this place here shortly so that we can move forward there.

So, once things look good from there we will still be waiting but at least there will be no other issues for the moment.

Since the beginning we have hurried up and got applications done to be sent in -- then waited to hear approval.  Then we hurried up and filled out paperwork -- then waited for the next step.  Then we hurried up and did our homestudy -- and waited.  I'm learning a lot in these times of waiting.  I think of that John Waller song:

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Takeing every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait

What a powerful song!  I will still serve Him, worship Him, and run the race even while I'm waiting.  Even though it's hard sometimes (and believe me, we are just at the "beginning" of this process so I may not even have the right to say we have waited long), I still praise Him through this entire process.  I know that His timing is perfect.  His will is perfect.  We will bring our little boy home in His timing and I wouldn't want it any other way!

It's so amazing to sit back and watch Him work in our lives and in the process of this adoption.  He's stretched us during this and will continue to do so.  He's blessed us in ways that I can't even describe.  It's been unbelievable to watch God work.  I'm excited to be going through this process with the most wonderful man ever and I'm excited to see what the future holds!  We give Him all the glory!!!!

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