Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My little Mommy

Mady has always liked dolls and bears. When she was younger and I would ask "Do you love the bear?" she would wrap her arms around the bear (or doll) and move her torso back and forth as if she was hugging it. Then she progressed to giving them kisses and "real" hugs, and then this morning we hit a new milestone with the dolls...

I didn't hear her making any noise so I came out of the bedroom to see what she was up to (or in to!) I found her sitting in the middle of the living room floor with her legs out in front of her and the smallest of her babies between her legs. She had gotten a diaper out of her room, grabbed the package of wipes, and was attempting to "change" her baby's diaper. She would open the diaper very meticulously (which is funny because every time I change her I open the diaper up before I start so that it's ready) and either lay the baby on the diaper or lay the diaper on the baby. She was concentrating on what she was doing and was making sure that everything was just how she wanted it! It was the STINKIN' CUTEST THING ever and I got it on video!!!! She sat there for nearly 20 minutes and played. I eventually opened the wipes package and gave her a wipe. She knew exactly what to do with it - she cleaned the baby's diaper area (and even cleaned the baby's eyes and the floor while she was at it!) Here's two of the videos that I took : the first one is Madalyn putting the diaper on and the second is her using the wipe. You can play both at the same time.

(I'm wondering if this isn't our sign to have another baby? ... Madalyn can change all the diapers then! Ha!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is one smart little girl