Have I mentioned lately that I love my "job?" Yes, I love my job as a stay-at-home-mom and wouldn't trade it for the world, but I also love my other job as an Educational Consultant with Usborne Books & More! I've been meaning to post about my side job for a while but just haven't gotten around to it.
If you're not familiar with Usborne Books & More, you'll want to make yourself familiar! :) UBAM believes that kids should have every opportunity available to them, especially a good education. We offer a huge variety of fiction and non-fiction (over 1500 titles in our catalog) in age ranges from infant to high school. Our books are very educational and cover a wide range of subjects. UBAM also has a ton of activity books like sticker books, lift the flap books, touchy feely books, puzzle books, Things to Spot books, activity cards, and I could go on an on. We have one of the most creative and original books lines in the US.
Here's the Usborne Books and More Mission Statement:
- "The future of our world depends on the education of our
children. UBAM delivers educational excellence one book
at a time. We provide economic opportunity while fostering
strong family values. We touch the lives of children for a lifetime."
I LOVE this company. I've been with UBAM for almost 3 years, and I absolutely love the privilege of introducing these wonderful books to new moms, teachers, librarians, grandmas, etc. everywhere that I go. I first began this business so that I could build my daughter's library (we're avid readers) and so that I could take advantage of the discount. However, it didn't take long for me to get hooked. I quickly developed a strong passion for promoting literacy among our children in today's society! I feel like our children today are losing a love for books - there's nothing better than a good book!
I do literacy workshops for groups of women in their homes telling them about the importance of reading aloud to their children. I give tips on literacy and how to promote it in your own home. I also work with schools and libraries doing various programs like Bookfairs, Reading Incentive Programs, Summer Reading Programs, and even a Grant Matching Program. I love that UBAM has something for everyone... a way to help every child get great books. I especially love delivering bags of books to children at schools that have participated in our Reading Incentive Program. Their faces light up when they get their books that they got to pick out on their own. It's priceless. Some of these kids don't have the opportunity to get books for themselves so I love seeing them so excited and ready to read!
If you'd like more info on what I do with my Usborne business, let me know! I'd be more than happy to chat with you. My team is expanding now - I love working for a great company and working with a great bunch of a women!!!
I'm also booking for September / October - we have some great incentives for hostesses right now. I'd love to come and do a literacy workshop for you and your friends / family. It's the perfect time with the holiday season right around the corner, and we just had a bunch of new titles released!!!!
Feel free to check out my website at
www.ReadingGeneration.com and don't forget to enter the drawing to win $50 in FREE books!!!!