Saturday, September 25, 2010

I think we should give it to God....

The words from a 3 year old regarding tithing. I don't think I knew what the word "tithe" meant when I was 13. I'm grateful that my little girl is learning very important lessons while she's young and I'm praying that she'll keep these lessons in her heart as she gets older.

A couple of weeks ago Mark and I told Mady that if she left go of us in the swimming pool (she had on a swimmy and she was still holding a death grip on us) that we would give her $5. Yep, crazy right?! She let go for a whole 5 seconds and then resumed her grip on my bathing suit. To keep our word, we gave her $5 the next day after she continued to ask us about it. Mark used the $5 to teach her a little about tithing and what it meant to give money back to God. At that time they placed $0.50 in one cup "for God" and they placed the other $4.50 in another cup for her to save. The next week she excitedly reminded us that she wanted to take her money to God (at Wednesday service) so we packed it up in a bag and she happily carried it to her class and dropped her change into the Buddy Barrel.

The next week she again wanted to give money to God so she got into her piggy bank and got $0.50 to take in. Each time we used it as a teaching time continuing to teach her about tithing and giving back to the Lord. We talked about how all money is His and we are to be good stewards of it.

My mom came up and gave me a $50 bill for my birthday. Mady was excited that I had gotten $5! Ha! I asked her, "well Mads, what should we do with my money?" She looked at me, completely serious, and said "Mom, I think we should give it to God."

Wow. I was floored! Such a small child who is learning such a big thing. It's awesome to me that she is learning things like that and that she has a sincere desire to give back to the Lord. Just this morning she again raided her piggy bank (as her pawpaw had given her some change this weekend). She picked out her change and took it to church. During worship she put her change in a title envelope, sealed it, and wrote her name on the front all by herself (her newest adventure)!

As I was watching her do this I wondered why we adults have such a hard time giving things back to the Lord... whether it money, or circumstances, or problems... I want to have faith like a child. I want to give all things cheerfully. I want to be a cheerful giver.

Thank You Lord for my beautiful kids and what they teach me each and every day. Thank You Mady for a very big lesson from such a little girl.

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