Monday, February 20, 2012

Application = APPROVED!

Here we go... OFFICIALLY!

We have officially been approved to go forward with the steps of adoption through the agency that we desired. I didn't ever really think of not getting accepted but to hear the official word, I have to admit, was pretty exciting.

I absolutely love the coordinator that we will be working with for our particular country. Her heart for the country and knowledge of the customs there is huge. It's encouraging to know that I can absolutely trust her judgement in the process of this adoption. Sometimes when dealing with international adoptions, things that go on can be fishy (depending on what country you are dealing with). I know without a doubt that I can trust our coordinator to be honest and forthcoming with us - every step of the way.

Next step is applying to an agency to have our homestudy done. I have that all ready to go. We just wanted to wait to get the official ok from our agency. Now we send the next application off and hopefully get started on our home study.

Things are moving... even though this process could take 12-18 months or even more, I'm grateful for every step of the way!