Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Application IN!

We sent in our application fee to our desired agency today! It's such a small step but so exciting. I know we have a L.O.N.G. way to go in this journey but I'm going to celebrate every step of the way.

I had turned in our online application over a week ago. I waited 5 days to hear something back and nothing. I called on last Wednesday to find out if they had gotten our submitted application. Apparently, the agency had been having some computer / network problems and never received our application. So, I resent it that day.

Today I sent in the final application (signed) along with a family picture, tax info, proof of health insurance, and a copy of our marriage certificate! whew!

I love the agency that we have chosen to move forward with. I feel at peace with choosing this particular agency. In the beginning when I was doing research and looking at all different agencies, I had emailed a couple of them with questions. When I emailed this particular agency, the contact for the country we choose got back to us within 4 hours of the email being sent (after work hours). I was impressed not only with her quickness in response but also with the personalization of her email. I felt like I had known her for a long time. She's extremely caring and helpful and has a huge heart for our particular country - which is very important for me. We just have peace about the agency and how it is run. I'm excited to move forward. The other agency that I had emailed didn't get back to me for almost 1 week and their response was a form letter. Definitely wasn't appealing!

Now on to getting our application ready for our homestudy agency. I haven't filled out this much paperwork (and this is ONLY the beginning) since we bought our house. I'm loving every minute of it though because I know in the end we will hopefully be bringing home our little boy.

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