Friday, April 4, 2008

I thrive on good deals!!!

So, I got a call this week (Thursday night) from my cousin in Tuscola. She was calling to let me know that the Osh Kosh outlet was doing a BIG sale. Apparently they had too much clearance that hadn't sold and they were going to reduce it greatly in price to get rid of it. The clearance started out around $3.99 then moved to $2.99, and Thursday morning it had dropped down to $1.99 (per item). Wow! Everything is $1.99 and under - You can't beat that!!! Look out, here I come!!! I called my friend Nicole and after talking to our husbands they decided that if we wanted to go we should probably go together (so that they didn't have to go!) We headed out at 6:30 and hit the store. I hit the jackpot!! I mostly got things for Madalyn for next winter... I think I got 17 articles of clothing, 2 hats, a pair of tights, and some adorable slippers! I added up the prices on the tags and I ended up with $422.00 worth of clothing FOR $36.00!!!!! What a deal! Apparently the Carters store in Tuscola is doing the same thing - Nicole and I are going back as we hope to get some more goodies! I am hoping to get my hands on a winter coat for Madalyn (we missed out on the coats at Osh Kosh by a few hours!)

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