Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Mark and I are going through a situation right now where we'd like to ask for prayer from all of our friends. I won't go in to all of the details but as most of you know we've been looking at houses as we're hoping to move this summer. We've got a buyer for our house so we've started to look around to see what's out there. Unfortunately for us, we found a house that we absolutely LOVE. We can't make a move right now though as there is a line of events that has to happen first. We'd just like the Lord to lead us in this situation. He knows our desires and how much we love the house and we're just trusting Him for the outcome. If it's His will that we should have that particular house, then we pray that it'll still be on the market when we're able to buy. It's just hard, for me especially, to sit and wait. But, I know the Lord is teaching me patience, among other things, through this process. So, I just ask that you'd pray that the Lord would lead us in this situation. I pray for His peace in our lives and that He would give us wisdom to make the right choices for our future home and our family.

Thanks :)


Ramona said...

we'll be praying for you. hopefully the house will still be available! i hope that b/c it's a buyer's market, this will be to your advantage!

Jenn said...

Thanks, Ramona! We appreciate your prayers! It is definitely to our advantage to buy right now as prices are so low! We're just praying for direction and leading! We really love this new house though - I'm definitely learning patience! :)