Friday, January 23, 2009

Yellow Nuts?

Mady has an obsession of watching everything that goes on in the kitchen. She has a step stool in her room to use for things like turning on her own light, washing her hands, brushing her teeth, ect. Lately she thinks it's necessary to pull it into the kitchen and examine everything that I'm doing. It's pretty cute and pretty fun but sometimes it's a little overwhelming to have her right in the middle of everything that I'm doing. It's pretty funny because the minute I tell her that I am going to make something, off she runs to her room and I know what she's going for.

Within the past couple of days she finds it necessary to tell me everything that is in her meal. The funnies thing happened about 3 days ago when she picked up her piece of bread and pointed to the seeds on the top of the crust and said "Yellow Nuts." Now every time she has bread she points out the "yellow nuts" even though I've corrected her many times :)

I love the things kids come up with! The two words as simple as "yellow nuts" make me smile and brighten my day!


random blogger said...

yellow that's funny. i won't tell you what i thought when i saw the title of this post. funny stuff!

Unknown said...

That's just like mady! She comes up with the most cute and hilarious things!!!