Friday, April 10, 2009

A Complete Lifesaver

Lately, I have been perusing a few websites for moms of twins. I have come across numerous posts about maternity belts and how helpful they are. I have been having quite a bit of back pain lately and so I considered purchasing one to see how well it worked. A few days ago, I got on Ebay and checked them out. I found a great deal on one for $12 and no shipping. It's called the Ultimate Maternity Belt by Motherhood Maternity. It came in the mail yesterday and I could immediately tell a difference when I put it on. I wore it all day and my back never gave me any issues at all. It seriously is my new lifesaver!!! It's simply a piece of elastic that you can fit around your back and under the tummy. It basically supports the big ole belly that I have and it definitely does it's job. I even wore it to the gym yesterday and didn't feel like the babies were going to fall out when I was exercising! It's well worth my $12 that's for sure!!