Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Funniest Question I've been asked so far...

I have heard and read from others, that have had multiples before me, that people feel at liberty to say whatever they'd like to say when they find out you are having more than one baby. I've experienced this a few times during this pregnancy - mostly early on. At first it would really upset me and sometimes discourage me, but I've since learned to just let the comments go and even more importantly, just laugh at them. Here are some things that I've heard so far in this twin pregnancy...

"I can't believe you're going to have 2 more kids. That makes 3... One of them is always going to feel left out." - this came from someone I knew!
"I can't believe you're going from one to three kids. That's going to be really hard!"
"Are you ready for this?"
"Wow, you're really big. You were big with Mady so I can't imagine how big you're going to get with this pregnancy." - This coming from my neighbor around the corner who maybe saw me once during my pregnancy with Mady. Plus, she made this comment to me when I was only about 15 weeks pregnant. I wasn't even showing then!
"You are going to be so busy. Are you sure you're up for it?"

These comments crack me up. I mean, seriously, what am I supposed to say?

I've also been compared to the "Octo-mom" (as I like to call her) more than once and that gets old as well! Just because I went through fertility doesn't mean that (A) I'm having 8 kids and (B) I have issues. But like I've said, I've learned to just laugh it off.

All this being said I have to admit that my funniest comment came last night. It wasn't meant to be mean and I know that the person asking honestly had no clue was just being inquisitive. This person is a male and is a good friend of ours. He just has no clue. Here's how the conversation went...

Him: "So, Jenn, you're still working out aren't you?"
Me: "Yep, I'm just not doing as much as I used to do."
Him: "So, how does that work with crunches and such. Are you still able to do those without hurting the babies?"
Me: I about fell off my chair because I was laughing so hard. "Oh no, I can't do crunches anymore nor are they recommended." I went on to tell him how I just have to be careful when I exercise but this is what I was thinking in my head... Are you serious? I can barely get myself out of bed in the morning let alone get my body off the floor to do a crunch! Plus, I have no idea if I even have any abs anymore that I could exercise!

It was quite funny and I know he just had no idea (never having really been around a lot of pregnant womenX. That's why I wasn't upset or offended at all! It was just too funny not to record!


Musicmaker said...

well, I personally think that you're beautiful and that 3 is a wonderful number!

Danice said...

I think you look fantastic! I wish I looked as great as you do when I was pregnant with one!!! We can't wait 'till your sweet twins both are going to be GREAT parents of 3!

Katie T. said...

That is hilarious! Was the "crunches" comment from anyone I know?! Pregnancy seems to bring a lot of comments, even just with one, can't imagine with multiples! I can imagine you take them all with grace and a grain of salt. - Katie