Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bubbles, Bubbles, and More Bubbles

Monday evening was supposed to be a relaxing evening for me. Mark was out playing softball and then was going to go to the hospital to see the babes. Mady was put to bed at 7pm, as usual, and I was getting ready to relax and have the house to "myself." I came downstairs and about 30 minutes after Mady went to bed I had this "something isn't right" feeling. I yelled upstairs to ask her where she was to which she didn't respond... the first clue.

To add something right quick... we have a rule in our house that once you are in bed, you stay in bed. If she gets up after we put her to bed, she knows that there will be a consequence for her actions. She's been great at staying in her bed... until this particular night.

I went upstairs to find out what she was doing and I hear her in our bathroom - not a good sign. She hears me coming and starts scrambling. I hear her fall once, cry a bit, fall again, and cry some more. By the time I get to the bathroom I find a mess... of blue bodywash - men's bodywash to top it off. I should've known by the smell as I was coming up the stairs - 2nd clue.

Apparently she had decided to play in the body wash as it was all over her body, all over the floor, and a tad bit in her hair. I guessed from the noise and what I know about Madalyn that when she heard me coming she tried to scramble and fell down in the soap. She got up and tried again and slipped again. When I found her she was laying on her back crying in a glob of body wash. (However, she did smell like her daddy!)

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It could have been a lot worse. However, this was the first thing that she had ever "gotten into." I cleaned up the soap (which was a disaster in itself as every time I wiped it up it turned to bubbles), gave Madalyn her 2nd bath of the evening, and put her to bed with a very stern talking to. At one point I asked her if she understood what was wrong and she said "mommy's not happy with me" through a bunch of tears.

I hope that that doesn't happen again, but like I mentioned earlier if that's the worst that can happen then I'll be okay. Oh, the joys of a toddler...

1 comment:

Musicmaker said...

I was wondering when she'd test the "stay in bed" rule - it's almost a relief to know that she's got some normal mischieve in her!! Ask Mark how often he tested the boundaries and suffered the consequences of staying in bed!!