Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Day in the life of Dad Part 1

We went to the hospital last night to visit Hannah and Samuel who are doing quite well. Sam is up to 3'2 and Hannah is up to 4'6. Mady came with us and hung out with Jenn in the waiting room since she can't go into the NICU. I went in and visited the kiddos.

We left the NICU and started walking towards the elevators. Mady pushed the button to go down and as she was playing around waiting for it to come, she fell down. We heard a loud "Uh oh!"

Mady flipped over and we realized that when she fell, she had already pooped, and (gross!) it squirted up out of her diaper, all over her shorts, shirt and all over the floor. She stood up, started to reek and we all looked at the pile of poop now on the hospital floor. We managed to clean it up, as people gathered at the elevator waiting to go down.

We all got onto the elevator, and we stood at the very back, praying that no one else smelled the odor coming from my daughter's back side. We tried our best to keep Mady quiet as she insited on telling EVERYONE "I pooped! I pooped!" We also decided not to ride the shuttle to the parking lot, instead, we walked. Of course, it took us 5 times longer to get there as Mady wanted to look at the grass, try to find bugs and overall be very pokey.

We got to the car (a rental car as our new van is getting the control board fixed, which we knew when we bought it). We decided to change her diaper in the parking lot. Well, that turned interesting as there was poop everywhere on her. I finally threw her clothes in the trunk so they wouldn't stink up the rental car. I found a trash can in the parking lot and threw the entire mess in there. As we are doing this, people are continuously staring at us either driving by or riding on the shuttle bus.

When we were finished, I started up the car, and pulled out and my left over mexican food slid off the dash board and onto Jenn's lap (and rental car seat). Now Jenn needed to have her pants changed. Unfortunately, she didn't want to change her pants in the parking lot (that would have been hilarious, and probably illegal)...she wanted to wait until we got home...

Just another day in the life of a normal Dad. And I love it! (Of course, I'm not the one who messed their pants!)

1 comment:

Musicmaker said...

sounds like a ton of fun...NOT