Friday, February 1, 2008

It's a sad day when the biggest excitement is...

from a SIPPY CUP!

As many of you know, we've been working with Madalyn for a while now on drinking her milk out of a cup. She'll guzzle her water out of a cup but when I substituted the water with milk, she would spit it out. She only would drink her milk if it was in a bottle. I have been wanting to get rid of the bottles ever since she turned a year old but so far it wasn't happening and so I was learning to deal.

Wednesday I went to get her milk for her after her nap and something told me to put it in a cup. I had to run in the other room so I set her milk, in the cup, in the middle of the floor. Next thing I knew she was walking around drinking it! I was so excited that I was dancing around and having her give me "fives" so that maybe she realize it was a big thing. I was so excited! She drank a bit out of it with dinner but wouldn't touch it before she went to bed.

Yesterday she wouldn't use the cup at all with milk. We were right back to where we were before!

This morning I woke up to Mady screaming in the living room. Apparently Dad had tried to give her her milk in a cup and she was totally not having anything to do with it. Then at lunch I decided to try a different cup.... What was I thinking all along....? I put her milk in a little cheap plastic random cup and she started guzzling it! She drank her milk during all meals today except breakfast! soooo exciting! The true test will be if she takes it in the morning! I'm so ready to pack up the bottles - they are actually already in a plastic bag just waiting to be put in storage. Hopefully we have a good thing going here...

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