Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Adventures of Babysitting

I babysit every Thursday afternoon for 2 little girls - daughters of some good friends of ours. It's always really fun when they come over because Mady gets all excited. Today she happened to be looking out the window when they pulled in. When she realized that it was the girls, she started shrieking in excitement! Then she ran over to the door awaiting their arrival in the house. The girls love to play together. It's so cute to watch them because they normally follow each other around - it's like a little 3 person train going from room to room.

Today they discovered a couple of fun new adventures...

At one point I hear one of the girls say "Mady is going through all of her drawers." I walk in her bedroom to find one of her dresser drawers emptied all over the floor. No big deal. About 10 minutes later I go back in to check on them, as they were real quiet, and I discover that all but the top drawer was now emptied. The 3 of them were going through all her clothes, having a good ole time! It was so cute. It's a good thing Mady understand "put it back" because we will probably be exhausting that phrase later!

The second adventure has to do with belly buttons. Mady has an obsession with belly buttons as do all kids I'm pretty sure. She loves to lift up our shirts and stick her finger in our belly button - weird, I know, but she thinks it's a riot! Today I spotted all three of the girls in the living room in a circle lifting up each other's shirts and poking at all the belly buttons. I walk over and lo and behold one of them goes for mine..! It was funny to see them so entertained in something as crazy as a belly button. That just goes to show that we parents don't need to spend money on toys for our children!!!!

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