Sunday, July 20, 2008

Funniest Quote of the Weekend...

So, Saturday night we went with some friends of ours to Tuscola to watch a local group perform "Oklahoma." It was really good and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. On the way home we were talking about the time that we saw the musical Evita at the Assembly Hall. Neither Mark nor I could think of the name of it. He finally popped up, from the backseat, with "that time we saw In-Vitro!" It was hilarious...
Evita... In-Vitro... sounds similar doesn't it? I guess I could see where he would get "confused?" Haha. It had to be the best quote of the weekend! We all got a good laugh out of that one. You can tell what things are on the mind of the Bettinger Family.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Angelo said...

Ha! That is pretty funny. Glad you had a good time at Oklahoma! :)