Monday, February 23, 2009


It seems like so much is happening to us as the days go by, it's almost hard to keep up. Here's a little bit about what's been going on w/ the Bettinger household.

1. We still have our house on the market. We're attempting to sell for sale by owner. We put out the signs, listed on craigslist and We've had a number of inquiries and a lot of our sheets have been taken from the box in the yard (probably about 40). We've had 4 showings so far, but you know how the market is. It's only been about 3 weeks. One of our friends at our church is a realtor w/ Remax and he even said that there's no buyers out there. We'll hold tight. We're in no hurry. We've lowered our price about $8k and we've done a lot of recent updates that I think people will appreciate. It will just take that right couple.

2. So, as many of you know, we're having twins. We went to Jenn's sono last Wednesday and found out that we are having 2 girls! I have to be totally honest with you, I was slightly bummed that we aren't having a boy. On the other hand, we have lots of clothes already, but we just will need 2 of everything (2 high chairs, a double stroller, 2 more car seats, another crib, etc). Jenn's been looking around for a double stroller but they're definitely on the higher side. So I told her to look around. Maybe shake the money tree known as "mom and dad." :)

When we went to see "Dr. S", I brought along a book to read. We're going through a series on "relationships" next w/ Fusion, the college ministry we head up and I wanted to start preparing for it. Not really thinking about the ramifications and the hilarity of it all, I pulled out my book.."Boundaries in Dating." Someone sitting across from us could have thought "boy, they should have shown more 'boundaries in dating'...she's pregnant! It's a little late now!" I chuckled at the thought. Jenn hit me.

3. Last week I went in for my annual lab draw w/ Dr Davisson at the CF clinic. I failed my 2 hour glucose tolerance test. I was pretty upset by the news, but it is what it is. I had a number of phone calls w/ my doctor and we met with the dietician last week. Unfortunately w/ CFRD, changing diet and watching carbs doesn't really change anything. My pancrease is getting fibrotic, so insulin shots are the only remedy. We go today to get everything set up in that department. I'm realizing that about 2 hours after I eat a high carb load, it seems as though my pancrease dumps insulin, and that's when I get the "crash" and feel horrible. So I'm really hoping that I will feel better through it all. Jenn's doing a lot of research on it (as she does w/ anything) and thinks that not only will I feel better, but my lungs will be more stable and I might even be able to gain a little weight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! I'm so excited to hear about fusion's study! I will definitley have to show up sometime....

I hope you guys are doing well! Just to let you know, Kohls has a TON of 60-70-80 percent off clothing in the kids section for all ages, so if you're looking for baby clothes....

Have an awesome week...I love you guys!