Monday, February 16, 2009

Pregnancy Update

I'm a little behind on getting this up but better late than never, huh? About 2 weeks ago (at 16w) I had my first appointment with my OB/GYN doctor. Up until now, I've been meeting with the fertility staff and then a nurse practitioner so I was extremely excited to meet my doctor. I'm very excited that I picked who I did because he is wonderful! I hear that he is also one of the top 2 doctors to have when you're carrying multiples so that's reassuring. Here's little tidbits from the appointment that I thought I would share:
* Both heartbeats were strong. One was 180 and the other was 158 beats per minute. While trying to find one of the heartbeats with the doppler, I was having some very sensitive spots on my stomach. The nurse was a little concerned so she had the doctor check it out. He brought in a mini-sonogram machine to check and see if anything looked abnormal. Things were just fine and we got to see the babies flopping around in there. They were extremely active! Both babies had their arms up by their faces so the Doc said that we're going to have some thinkers on our hands!
* I'm doing great. Feeling good besides the typical fatigue that comes with a twin pregnancy. Normally with a regular pregnancy you start to feel better in the 2nd trimester and you tend to get more energy back... not with multiples. I get super tired around 1pm and then again around 8pm. I'm also still exercising about 4 times a week and the doctor said that I could continue as long as I felt comfortable.
* I asked "Dr. S" what his take were on C-Sections. Mark popped up and said "that means she doesn't want one!" And I don't! He said that as long as Baby A is head down then I can have a natural birth, which is what I'm praying for. If both babies are head down, obviously that is ideal but with one head down they can turn the other if they need to. C'mon baby A... Put that head down!!!
* We also just talked about different random things like how a twin pregnancy will be different from a singleton pregnancy. I learned that twins tend to mature faster in the womb because they are fighting for nutrients and will take everything from me. We went over pre-term labor as I had that with Mady. At my next appointment they are going to check my cervix to see if it is shortened which tends to be a pre-curser for pre-term labor. Also, I learned that I will feel contractions a lot sooner with this pregnancy as my uterus will be bigger. My body will then think it's time to deliver earlier.

Currently, I'll be 18weeks tomorrow. That's exactly half way for a what the doctors consider a full term twin pregnancy! Wow! I can't believe it! I'm definitely feeling movement and have been feeling it consistently for about a week. I've been feeling random movements for a few weeks now though. I also can see my stomach move sometimes as the babies move. Things are going well. I'm just continuing to pray that (A) baby a goes head down before delivery and (B) I don't have any complications with bed rest restrictions. I'm scared of bedrest with a 2 year old!!!

We have an appointment this Wednesday where we hopefully will be able to find out what the sexes of the babies! More to come on that.... :)


Unknown said...

Good to hear you're doing so well, Jen! I hope the babies (boy, girl, whatever they turn out to be) are super-healthy!

Can't wait to hear more! :)

Musicmaker said...

It's so exciting! Does Nonny get to know the sex of the babes before July?