Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday Night Football

This past Monday night, Mark and Madalyn cuddled up together on the couch to watch the Dallas Cowboys play the Carolina Panthers. Football is pretty much on all day Sunday and Monday nights now that the season has started up again. Mady actually likes to sit down and watch the game... sometimes getting up to cheer and always asking "what are they doing, Daddy?"

At one point during the game on Monday, she was "reading" a cooking magazine that I had out. A huge play was made on the screen where a touchdown was almost made. Without either Mark or I saying anything regarding the play, Madalyn looked up at the tv and very seriously said, "N i i i i c c c ceeee." It was so funny! Then she told Dad, "That was a nice play, Daddy!"

It was just cute because she obviously had no idea what was going on except that one guy was running really fast down the field.. Or maybe I'm completely wrong and she understands more about football than I do :)

She made a few more comments throughout the evening - copying things that the announcers would say. Every time she was completely serious just like she was an announcer herself. That kid sure cracks me up - she's got her father's sense of humor, that's for sure!!!!


Unknown said...

That is incredibly cute!! This is why I love Mady. :)

joanna said...

Unrelated - I love the new family pic you've got up!!!