Thursday, March 5, 2009

20 Weeks!

(Notice the date that this was written... I just now published it to the blog so it's a little behind.)

I'm currently 20 weeks and 2 days pregnant! I can hardly believe it! It has gone by fairly quickly. I'm considered halfway for a normal singleton pregnancy and according to my doctor I'm considered over halfway for a twin pregnancy. He says that then full term point for twins is 36weeks so if I look at it that way I'm on my way to being done!

I'm feeling great! I think I've finally, within the last 2 weeks, hit the point where I have more energy, I'm not as tired, and I'm feeling all around great! My doctor said I would hit that mark around 20 weeks or so but that it wouldn't last long, unlike a singleton pregnancy. So, I'm taking advantage of it! I really started to pop out at about 18 weeks and now I look pregnant! I can still wear some of my regular clothes but am beginning to lean towards maternity clothes - ugh! I am definitely feeling the babies move. It's really exciting to feel kicks (or punches) on opposites sides of my stomach at the same time. What a feeling! I'm still exercising and feeling good. I have been having some braxton hicks contractions but according to some others who have twins that I have talked to - it's not out of the ordinary at this point. It still makes me nervous though. I apparently was having BH contractions with Mady but didn't know it. They landed me in the hospital for a week with early labor! I'm praying that I don't have any complications like that!

My last doctors appointment was at 18 weeks. We had an hour long sono and if you haven't already heard ... it seems as though we're having 2 more GIRLS! Baby B is definitely a girl and there was a small question raised about Baby A - however the sono tech is pretty sure it's a girl. I guess we'll find out in two weeks when I go back again.

We just put our house on the market again this past weekend. Please join with us in prayer that we are able to sell our home soon. I'm just nervous that these babies are going to come before our house sells - which wouldn't be a huge problem except for the fact that it would be a lot of work to get the house ready for a showing with 3 kids!!! The Lord knows though! He knows what is best for us - His timing - and I'm just learning to trust Him even more.

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