Friday, March 9, 2012

First Home Study Visit

Yay! We had our first home study visit yesterday and it went well. It was fun to actually "start" the process. Our adoption process actually feels so much more real now that we are getting things done. We have 3 home study visits with a fourth where we will be reviewing the written home study (which I learned yesterday is about 20 pages!).

Today we did the basic questions and answers, we gave a tour of our home, talked about background, and filled out some paperwork.




There's a lot of paperwork!

On top of that we are off to get fingerprinted today - which sounds so intense!

Our next home study visit is next week and will include some training. I'm looking forward to it. Our case worker is a sweetheart so it was a joy to spend time with her.

But for now... It's off to work on more paperwork. Whew....

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