Thursday, March 1, 2012

Letting go...

It's it funny how when God is trying to get you to understand something, He basically just shoves in your face.

Well, that's how He works with me sometimes when I just don't seem to be getting it. Everything that I've been reading lately and different scriptures have been speaking to my heart about one thing...


Now don't get me wrong, I'm not an avid collector of junk and I in no way fit on that t.v. show about collecting junk to fill your house. Our house is neat and kept and I actually am always trying to get rid of clutter - most of that clutter being in my scrapbook / school room and in the kids' rooms. However, I also have a lot of just plain stuff. For example, in my craft / school room I have 2 containers of ribbon... every size, every color, every pattern imaginable. I had an idea at one point to make hair bows for my girls and I did... a couple of times. Now, it just sits in the closet. I am one of those people that at any point in the day I have 1000 ideas running through my head of stuff that I want to make. Only a few of those actually make it to execution.
Ok, back to my thought... The Lord has been teaching me lately to LET GO... let go of those things that I place above him - whether that means that I think about them more than I talk to my God or whether that means I work with them more than I meet with Him. My heart is changing. I need to let go of things that just aren't a big deal to me anymore. Now, I'm not advocating going out and getting rid of everything that you don't use but in my situation, I just wanted to do a little "cleaning up."

I also think about how much "stuff" we have as Americans. Do I really need 15 different hobbies to take up my time or could I be doing other things like raising awareness for different things, reading, studying, spending time with my family and friends, being in His PRESENCE!

I did a little clean out of my office and I gave away some of those things that I've been holding onto for a while. Not only was it freeing for me but it was a blessing to me to be able to give them to a sweet friend who I know will get good use out of it.

Did I go crazy and give away everything? No. Do I feel more free? Yes. Am I going to keep going in this same spirit? Yes.

I have a strong desire right now for Him and all of Him. I don't want anything to get in the way of my relationship with Him...

What are you holding onto? Is it a relationship, an activity, an attitude? I pray that you too would find freedom in letting go. I can promise you that letting go will lead to much more blessing than holding on.

Lord, continue to make yourself real to me. I pray that I wouldn't put anything in front of my relationship with You. I love you, Lord. Thank You for the lessons that you show me.

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