Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Home Study Visits - check!

Yesterday afternoon we finished our final home study visit. I'm overwhelmed with emotion - excited to be almost finished with this step and anxious to move on to the part where we are matched with our child! Oh, how that day can't come quick enough.

Our second home study visit, last Monday, was all about training. It was about an hour and a half of learning about everything under the sun related to adoption. We got to keep the big book with articles, handouts, and tons of other resources for all things adoption. Even though we went through the booklet quickly, I'll probably sit down here in the next week or so and read through the articles. I love taking in everything that I can right now. It's kind of comparable to when you find out you're pregnant for the first time and so you start reading everything you can starting with "What to expect when you're expecting." (or maybe that was just me!)

Our visit yesterday was interviews. I was so nervous. I dislike answering questions about myself like "Describe your personality" or "what is your greatest strength and weakness." Not my favorite thing to do but we made it! Mark and I both were interviewed individually and Mady was interviewed as well. She told me that she was asked "What do you like to do with mommy" to which her response was "cuddle." When asked "What do you like to do with Daddy?" her response was "Play lion." I love it!

I think the hardest part of the overall home study process was the amount of paperwork that had to be done... criminal checks, fingerprints, fire evacuation plans, health evaluations, autobiographies, birth certificates, marriage license, taxes, and that's just to name a small portion. Our 3 home study visits were laid out over a total of 12 days. To say I was stressed yesterday was an understatement. But, we have everything turned in (minus two sheets that I'm waiting on by email) !!! I'm excited.

Our next step is to wait for some approval from DCFS. Then our home study will be written up, reviewed by us and faxed to our placement agency to make sure that it fits with their requirements. After that, we start working with our placement agency - sending them another big packet of paperwork and a big chunk of money. Then we wait for referral!

I've been told this before but this whole process of adoption is really a "hurry up and then wait" process. We hurry up and get everything that we need and sent in and then we wait.... then we hurry up and do something else and then wait... Although at times I get anxious I know that I need His patience to keep me going. I need to be content with the circumstances. I know that everything happens in God's timing... and on His terms! So, for that I am thankful. I am thankful that He has everything covered and under control. He knows best.

It reminds me of the verse Proverbs 16:9 which says "The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps."

Left to our own wishes and plans, we fail. But, He knows best! He knows what is ahead and He's constantly preparing us for what is next. I am content in this process - whatever stage we are in - and I'm enjoying every bit of it. He knows what is next and I will REST in Him through it all.

Thank you Lord that you direct our steps and not me! You are so good.

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