Monday, March 19, 2012

Overwhelmed with gratitude

A little while ago I posted about the financial aspect of our adoption and how the Lord was teaching me to trust Him even when my flesh was doubting. The adoption turned out to be a little more than we had expected, but I was learning to trust Him in all things. I know He will provide in His time and in His way! I have been learning huge lessons already during this adoption process, and for that I am so thankful.

Just a day or two after I posted that, a sweet friend messaged me this simple but powerful message, "So, how would you feel about my website money going to your family's adoption?" WHAT?!? I immediately began to cry. I was overwhelmed with gratitude. My heart was full. I was in awe at the heart of my sweet friend.

I met Adriana and her mom a couple of years ago at Parent's Morning Out. We all 3 volunteer together and Adriana often babysits my kiddos. Her and her mom are the sweetest people I know, and their heart and love for the Lord is so contagious. Their family is an inspiration to me. I could go on and on about this sweet family...

I remember calling Mark immediately and sharing what Adriana had messaged to me. He was speechless. Her heart for missions and her desire to serve the Lord excites me. This young girl understands! She gets it! She wants to serve Him in everything and it's so apparent by this amazing gesture. I wish I had understood this lesson when I was a young teenager!

Adriana is super crafty! She makes hair bows, headbands, bibs, onesies, burp cloths, notepads, magnets, etc! I love her stuff! Click here to visit her blog / website!

While you're visiting, go ahead and make a purchase. You will be supporting this sweet girl along with our adoption. I can promise you that you will love whatever you order!

The Lord knows what we need and He does provide. It's all in His timing and His way. Our family is beyond thankful for His provision through this sweet girl!

Adriana - You are a huge answer to prayer for us! Please know that you have blessed us in more ways than I can tell you - just by this gesture! Thank you for your heart for the Orphan. I'm so blessed to know you and your family. You are a gem!

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