Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Mad-in-ator Update!

Madalyn is definitely feeling better... better than Monday. I'm not quite sure what happened on Monday but I think that possibly teething played a part in it. She's still not eating as much as she had been eating and she still has times where she's a little whiny - which leads me to think that her gums may be bothering her still. They say that the molars are the worst ones to work on getting in. We've already had one bout with working on her molars so maybe this is round 2?...

Yesterday she decided that she didn't want to sleep at all which wasn't much fun. Considering she sleeps an average of 5-6 just for naps during the day, her not sleeping at all was definitely not good! We both were ready for her bedtime to come around last night.

Bedtime - that reminds me... the silly little squirt has figured out that she can "rock" in her crib and it will move away from the wall (it's on wheels). I haven't paid too much attention to see if I can lock the wheels but she definitely has figured out how to move. It started out with her pushing against the wall with her feet (& kicking!). Now, I caught her red handed standing in her crib, holding on and rocking back and forth. Last night when I checked on her before I went to bed she seriously had to have had the crib out about 3 feet from the wall! Little stinker!

She's also into putting things inside of things lately... emptying baskets and then putting the contents back in, emptying and refilling "her" designated drawers in the kitchen (yes, she has 3 drawers she can play in!), and so on. Well this evening I went to open one of her drawers to get a bag and what did I find.... a pair of her pants!!!! Then I went to get the colander from under the shelf and I found my cell phone charger! I'm starting to get a little nervous.. things might be disappearing slowly from our house!

She surprises me daily on how much she can understand. Yesterday I told her that we needed to get her coat and she went over to the coat closet and tried to reach for the handle. She can identify her hair, ears, and nose and she knows things like socks, shoes, pants, etc. (she can show you where her shoes and socks go also). She knows how to put things back (which is really nice because she thinks cleaning up is fun at her age!) I definitely take advantage of the "let's put it back" phrase. She communicates very well using sign language which has definitely been a positive experience for us all. She just learns so fast! I am just in awe at how well babies really do understand. It's incredible!

Day 3 of Dad being gone is almost over... only 3.5 days left.


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