Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Time Fun!

Isn't it interesting that the same week we got our Christmas Tree was the same week that Mady decided to start walking? She's actually been doing well with the whole "leave the tree alone" thing. She is obsessed with lights - any type of lights - especially the Christmas lights. She wasn't too interested as we were putting up the tree but once Dad plugged the lights in to make sure they worked, she was all over them! She started to laugh and she quickly crawled over so she could touch them. She was even more excited when Daddy was putting up lights on the front porch. She stood at the front door and watched him very intently, pointing, and jabbering the whole time. It's really cute to watch her face light up when I turn on the mini Christmas tree in her room or when she gets up in the morning and walks into the living room and the tree is already lit. It puts a huge smile on my face. What a joy that children bring. I can't imagine life without this precious little girl! Every day is a new day but every day is definitely exciting! I love you, Baby Mady!!!

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