Saturday, December 8, 2007


It snowed a bit on Thursday night so we decided to take advantage of it yesterday. You never know in Illinois how long the snow will last and if it'll even snow again this year. After lunch we bundled Mady up in her new snowsuit, hat, and mittens, and even her boots. She was laying on her back as we dressed her and she reminded me of the little boy in "A Christmas Story" - she was so puffy that she couldn't get up on her own. We took her outside and put her in her sled and pulled her around the yard. She LOVED it! Every time we would stop to rest she would rock back and forth as if to say "let's go." Mark pulled her around for quite awhile - she was laughing and giggling the entire time. It was so cute! Eventually we took her over to the driveway and we would push her down the hill on her own. She was laughing so hard. Mark stood at the bottom and video taped her. The cutest thing was when she sat at the bottom of the driveway waiting to go again. She said "please" using sign language. It was just funny watching her rub her belly with a big ole snowsuit on and huge mittens! We were outside for about 20-25 min before Mark and I started to get cold. We picked her up and put the sled back in the garage and she started crying. She wasn't happy that it was time to quit. It'll be fun to do it again soon though. She had a blast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe she is walking and using sign language!! Where did "Baby Mady" go? :) The sledding pix was really cute. We enjoyed some sledding this weekend too.