Monday, December 17, 2007

What I heard from the bathroom....

For any of you that are parents - you'll understand this post! For any of you that aren't, it may gross you out!!!!

This past Thursday night we decided to give the Mad-ster a bath. Recently she's started to scream when we put her in the big tub so I've been sticking her in the kitchen sink - which is actually easier on the back anyways! I got her all ready, got the water ready, threw in a couple of measuring cups for fun, and stuck her in. She went to town splashing and throwing water everywhere, like usual. She loves to splash! I then decided that I wanted Mark to take over and so we switched places. I started to clean up dinner and then I went to pick up the bathroom... That's when it started. Here's what the dialog sounded like:

Mark: "Wow! She's a whole lot. There is alot of bubbles.. blup, blup, blup..."
Me: laughing
Mark: "Whoa she's still going. It's like it's nonstop."
Me: laughing harder
Mark: "She stopped for like 5 seconds and now she's doing it AGAIN!"
Mark: "Now she's PEEING"
Me: "How do you know she's peeing?"
Mark: "Cause I see pee coming out of her"
Me: laughing
Mark: "Gosh, she's tooting AGAIN!"
a break in our conversation - I'm laughing too hard and he's talking to Mady about how she is farting way too much!
Me: "What's the deal?"
Mark: "She just pooped in the sink!"
Me: laughing "How do you know?"
Mark: "Cause she reached down between her legs and picked some up!!!!!"
I was laughing uncontrollably for about 5 minutes.

I came out of the bathroom to find Mark holding Mady by her armpits with a towel around her. She was smiling and having a grand ole time. I chose to take her and put her clothes on while Mark cleaned out the sink! Gross! It was definitely disgusting! The sink got a good cleaning and so did my measuring cups!!!!!!

Gotta love kids! Are we allowed to tell this story when Mady gets married???


Ramona said...

i can understand the humor and horror of what y'all experienced. :) sean has definitely peed in the tub a few times. he's never pooped, and i hope that he never does! :)

Brock said...

From now on, I will only eat off of disposable dishes when I am at your house.