We've known from the beginning that Mads likes electronics. It's a given. From the time she was knee high to a grasshopper (which wasn't that long ago) till now, she's liked anything with lights, buttons and noise. She loves my laptop. She'll sit on it when it's closed, and if I'm working on it, she comes up, and does this hilarious thing where she will peek around the monitor, and start to cackle. Then, around comes the arm and these manic fingers start to push every button that she can reach. It was really funny at first, but after she almost made my hard-drive crash with all the programs she opened, it started to get old.
Just a minute ago, she grabbed her other two favorite devices, my cell phone and the Dish Network remote, congruently. She likes my phone because if she hits the "on" button, her picture pops up, and she thinks it's funny. (Oh no, she realized I'm typing something, and here come the fingers...) Ok, we got that stopped. She's entranced with my phone again... So, she likes to pretend she's talking to someone on my Treo. She has this fantasy with phones. I dunno. She also has this on going urge to chew on my phone. It's no wonder my "B" and my "0" don't work anymore.
So, she started something new this morning. She grabbed the TV remote and pointed (here comes her fingers onto the keyboard again). Argh. Ok, so she grabbed the remote and points it towards the TV and pushes a button, and then waited. Pushes a button, and then waited. She's wanting to watch Dora the Explorer! I was like, my one year old knows more about electronics then I did when I was in Junior High! Then I started to think about "the good old days."
Growing up, we didn't have computers, DVD players, satellite or cell phones. We had one phone in the house and it had this really long cord on it, so you could sit at the table AND talk on the phone. It was great. Our TV consisted of 2 dials and this big antenna that ran up the side of the house (which was nice because it was a perfect ladder to get up on the roof if a frisbee got thrown up there). We had about 9 stations, 2, 3, 10, 12, 15, 17, 27, 51 and on a really clear day, 38. I was often the one chosen to switch the channels. (It's rough being an only child). When there was nothing on TV, we really meant it (unless you wanted to watch reruns of McGyver and M.A.S.H).
So, here we are today with the luxuries of electronics. Cell phones, satellite, wi-fi, high-def and laptops. I dunno. I guess I'm like Mads. I like the buttons and lights and things that make noise. One more confirmation that Dr Jarrett didn't mix up the embryos...
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